
7 top tips to minimize stress during court trials

Going to court, especially for a trial, can be extremely stressful. The outcome could have a major impact on your life and you're naturally going to be worried. Staying calm, however, will help you make it through the process as successfully as possible. Staying calm and in control of your emotions may even affect how a judge or jury decides your case. The following are seven of the best tips to minimize stress during court trials.

  1. Be Prepared Ahead of Time

It's critical to have all materials and necessary items that will be needed for your case ready before your court date. Some people talk excessively or ramble when they're nervous. If this is something you struggle with, preparing notes might be a good idea to keep your thoughts organized. Make sure to ask your attorney if this is something you want to do. The Indiana Judicial Branch recommends several steps to take in order to be fully prepared for your court date. A few of these steps include observing another case that is similar to yours and deciding if you want to testify in your case or not. Being well prepared and organized can go a long way to minimizing stress during court trials.

  1. Always Communicate with Your Lawyer

It's very important that you have in the past and continue to communicate well with your lawyer. Few things can be more stressful in court than having problems with your attorney. To avoid any unneeded stress between you and your attorney make sure to go over the case well in advance. Don't wait until right before the trial. Write down questions you may have as you think of them and then make sure to ask your attorney. It's important not to hold anything back from your lawyer. You will definitely be stressed during the trial if you're concerned about something coming up in court that you haven't told your attorney about.

  1. Take Care of Yourself

This sounds simplistic, but is very important. Being tired can make you look like you're not taking care of yourself. This could possibly have an impact on your case. This makes it extremely important to get enough sleep before the day you're due in court. You'll want to get into good sleep habits as far ahead of time as possible. Along with having plenty of sleep, you'll also want to eat right. Food can have a major impact on how you physically and even mentally feel. Eating a healthy diet several days before you go to trial can help you feel and think at your highest levels. According to the Mayo Clinic, getting into a regular exercise routine can lower blood pressure and reduce stress. Even working out briefly three times each week can have a positive effect. Exercising, eating well, and getting adequate sleep can help reduce stress when you're in court.

  1. Limit Caffeine

You'll definitely want to be alert, and this may include a cup of coffee before going to court. On the other hand, too much caffeine can make you jittery and increase your stress levels. It's a good idea to reduce how much caffeine you're drinking a few weeks before your court date if possible. You'll want to include in this category any other substances that can potentially make your experience in court more stressful. Check all over-the-counter and prescription drugs you may be taking to see if they contain caffeine or other types of substances that can make you jittery or nervous.

  1. Arrive Early

Rushing into court at the last minute is sure to raise almost anyone's stress level. Arriving early will give you the chance to go over notes, documents, or consult with your lawyer before the trial actually starts. It will allow you the chance to get accustomed to and comfortable in your environment. You'll want to make sure to check in with the appropriate court officials so they are aware you're there. Law Facts advises arriving at least thirty minutes early for your court date.

  1. Develop a Personal Plan

Before going into court you'll want to come up with a personalized plan that will help keep you calm throughout the entire procedure. What this looks like for each person will be very different. If you're a person of faith you might want to pray. You might be an individual who likes to meditate on the positive aspects of your life. Some people will listen to classical music before going into court. Psych Central reports that listening to classical music can have a calming effect on most people. Some people follow certain procedures or rituals to keep themselves calm. You don't want to get caught up in rituals to the point of being obsessive or preoccupied, but it is important to develop an individualized plan that will help you stay calm.

  1. Don't Lose Your Temper

Yelling at the judge or even your lawyer while in court will only make the situation worse. Losing your temper will also raise your blood pressure, which will increase your stress even more. Taking a few deep breaths and then slowly releasing them can do wonders to instantly help you feel calm. If you're tempted to lose your temper it's important to remember that in almost any case you can appeal the decision if it doesn't go in your favor.

Whether it involves a criminal case, a family situation, or even something having to do with business, it's normal to experience stress before going to court. Staying calm, however, during your time in court will help make your experience a more positive one. CNG Family Law Firm can help you prepare for your day in court and discuss any questions you might have regarding your case. Having an experienced attorney on your side is also a great way to minimize stress during a court trial!

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